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Posted almost 5 years ago

Want to work on a simulation IDE? Build out an interactive designer for models of systems ranging from businesses and hospitals through to the environment and biological systems. Focus on providing first class UX and friendly feedback to help people solve their problems without frustration. Build out new visualisations to let people see their systems clearly.

As one of our first hires, you will work directly with the software engineer co-founder. In this role you will have a large influence on the product and its future, and a large impact on technology choices, UX and style.

Sheetless has a fully statically typed technology stack, a combination of TypeScript and Rust. On the TypeScript side, we're using a base of React/Next.js, Redux and Immer as the core libraries/frameworks. There's also use of web APIs to provide a rich and responsive experience, including SVG, canvas, and WebWorker.

We're using Material UI as our base component library, although as we grow defining a more bespoke style and UX will become more important. As our first frontend-focused member of the team, you will need to be comfortable and capable of designing, prototyping, and building out UI/UX of the platform.

Experience in any of these areas would be a plus (if you have experience in all of these areas then please do contact us!):

  • TypeScript programming to a comfortable level. Experience in JS or statically typed languages also. Overall experience in the range of 3-5+ years.

  • React and Redux development, using hooks, or experience in related technologies also (Vue, MobX, etc).

  • Building custom visualisations, with Canvas, SVG or WebGL.

  • Working with Rest API web services. GraphQL a plus.

  • Working with WebSockets for providing interactive client<>client services.

  • Working with and extending browser code editors, such as Monaco or CodeMirror.

Compensation: £50k – £90k

Equity: 0.5% – 1.5%

Contact us: [email protected]