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Posted almost 3 years ago

Position: Remote Real Estate Writer 
Position Type:

High Level:
Experienced content writer with a deep understanding of real estate investing and basic knowledge of the stock market. Our goal is to make real estate investing more accessible to everyone by making complex topics easy to understand. Topics will include crowdfunding, REITs and commercial real estate.

What you'll be doing:

  • Provide content on your given assignments
  • Work closely with content strategists to deliver assignments and projects within deadlines
  • Research relentlessly to find the truth, giving our users confidence to make actionable decisions
  • Craft long-form (~1,500-1,800 word) informational research-backed and data-driven articles
  • Ensure that all content is backed by research and an undivided methodology

Stuff you need to get this gig:

  • Experience writing personal financed and the real estate market, along with knowledge of trends, ideas, and best practices
  • Ability to break down complicated subjects for a beginning to intermediate audience
  • Unwavering standards for your writing, and willingness to make adjustments on the fly
  • A proactive workflow that exceeds expectations
  • Accountability from you to deliver on time or ahead of deadlines